


博士,博士生导师,教授。国家优青,河南大学“杰出人才特区支持计划”第三层次特聘教授。中国微生物学会病毒学专业委员会第一届青年委员会副主任委员, 中国老年学和老年医学学会抗衰老分会委员。










2003-2012 美国福克斯肿瘤研究中心,分别为博士后,Research Associate和Staff Scientist;

2012 -2023年中国科学院微生物研究所研究员,博士生导师;




1.An optimized protocol to detect ubiquitination modification of exogenous or endogenous proteins.Li X, Jiang W,Fang M#.STAR Protoc. 2023 Oct 18;4(4):102650. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102650. Online ahead of print.

2.Airborne fine particles drive H1N1 viruses deep into the lower respiratory tract and distant organs.Dong Z, Ma J, Qiu J, Ren Q, Shan Q,Duan X, Li G, Zuo YY, Qi Y, Liu Y, Liu G, Lynch I,Fang M#, Liu S#. Sci Adv. 2023,9(23):eadf2165. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adf2165. PMID: 37294770


3. UBL7 enhances antiviral innate immunity by promoting Lys27-linked polyubiquitination of MAVS. Jiang W, Li X, Xu H, Gu X, Li S, Zhu L, Lu J, Duan X, Li W,Fang M#.Cell Rep, 2023,42(3):112272.doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112272.

4.Design Strategies and Precautions for Using Vaccinia Virus in Tumor Virotherapy. Liu X, Zhao J, Li X, Lao, F,Fang M#. Vaccines, 2022, 10(9):1552.doi:10.3390/vaccines10091552.

5. Protective Human Anti-Poxvirus Monoclonal Antibodies Are Generated from Rare Memory B Cells Isolated by Multicolor Antigen Tetramers. Gu X, Zhang Y, Jiang W, Wang D, Lu J, Gu G, Qin C#,Fang M#. Vaccines, 2022,10(7), 1084;doi:10.3390/vaccines10071084

6.Multiple RNA virus matrix proteins interact with SLD5 to manipulate host cell cycle. Zhu L, Li X, Xu H, Fu L, Gao GF, Liu W, Zhao L, Wang X, Jiang W#,Fang M#. J Gen Virol. 2021 Dec;102(12):001697. doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.001697.

7.Legionella pneumophilaRisk from Cooling Tower Systems in China.Qin T#, Zhao D, Zhu L, Ren H, Li Y, Liu X, Li X, Li W, Zhao N,Lu J, Liu D, Shi Y,Fang M#, Duan X#.Appl Environ Microbiol. 2021 Nov 24; AEM0192121.doi: 10.1128/AEM.01921-21. Online ahead of print.


8. Declined miR-181a-5p expression is associated with impaired natural killer cell development and function with aging.Lu J, Li S, Li X, Zhao W, Duan X, Gu X, Xu J, Yu B, Sigal LJ, Dong Z, Xie L,Fang M#.Aging Cell. 2021 May 20(5):e13353. doi: 10.1111/acel.13353.


9. Recurrent Sepsis Exacerbates CD4+T Cell Exhaustion and Decreases Antiviral Immune Responses.He W, Xiao K, Xu J, Guan W, Xie S, Wang K, Yan P,Fang M#, Xie L#. Front Immunol. 2021 Feb 25;12:627435. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.627435. eCollection 2021.

10.Immune Cell Number, Phenotype, and Function in the Elderly with Sepsis. He W, Xiao K,Fang M#, Xie L#. Aging Dis,2021 Feb 1;12(1):277-296.doi: 10.14336/AD.2020.0627.


12."Acquired" NKG2D Ligand Stimulates NK Cell-mediated Tumor Immunosurveillance. Wang D, Gu X, Liu X, Liu X, Wang B, Lao F,Fang M#.J Immunother. 2019; 42(6):189-196.


12.Influenza virus matrix protein M1 interacts with SLD5 to block host cell cycle.Zhu L, Zhao W, Lu J, Li S, Zhou K, Jiang W, Duan X, Fu L, Yu B, Cai KQ, Gao GF, Liu W,Fang M#.Cell Microbiol. 2019; 21(8):e13038. doi: 10.1111/cmi.13038.

13.GALNT3 inhibits NF-κB signaling during Influenza A virus infection. Wang B, Zhang Y, Jiang W, Zhu L, Li K, Zhou K, Dai D, Chang S,Fang M#.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018;503(4):2872-2877.


14.The virulence of L. pneumophila is positively correlated with its ability to stimulate NF-κB activation.Wang H, Lu J, Li K, Ren H, Shi Y, Qin T#, Duan X#,Fang M#. Future Microbiol. 2018;13:1247-1259.

15.NK cells inhibit anti-M.bovis BCG T cell responses and aggravate pulmonary inflammation in a direct lung infection mouse model.Wang D, Gu X, Liu X, Wei S, Wang B,Fang M#.Cell Microbiol.2018; 20(7):e12833.

16.Endogenous Cellular microRNAs Mediate Antiviral Defense against Influenza A Virus. Peng S, Wang J, Wei S, Li C, Zhou K, Hu J, Ye X, Yan J, Liu W, Gao GF,Fang M#, Meng S#.Mol Ther-Nucl Acids.2018; 10:361-375.

17.Aged Mice are More Resistant to Influenza Virus Infection due to Reduced Inflammation and Lung Pathology.Lu J, Duan X, Zhao W, Wang J, Wang H, Zhou K,Fang M#.Aging Dis.2018; 9(3):358-373

18.Natural killer cells are activated and play a protective role against ZIKA

virus infection in mice.Duan X, LiS, Wong G, WangD, WangH,Lu J, BiY, LuX, ShiY,Yan J,Fang M#, Gao GF#. Sci Bull, 2017; 62:982-984.

19.Bidirectional factors impact the migration of NK cells to draining lymph node in aged mice during influenza virus infection.Duan X, Lu J, Wang H, Liu X, Wang J, Zhou K, Jiang W, Wang Y,Fang M#.Exp Gerontol. 2017; 96:127-137.

20.Changes of peripheral lymphocyte subsets and cytokine environment during ageing and deteriorating gastrointestinal tract health status.Wang J,Yang G, Wang D, Liu K,Ma Y, Liu H,Wu J#,Fang M#. Oncotarget. 2017; 8(37): 60764-60777.


21.Suppression of Rac1 Signaling by Influenza A Virus NS1 Facilitates Viral Replication. Jiang W, Sheng C, Gu X, Liu D, Yao C, Gao S, Chen S, Huang Y, Huang W#,Fang M#.Sci Rep.2016; 6: 35041.

22.Swift and Strong NK Cell Responses Protect 129 Mice against High-Dose Influenza Virus Infection.Zhou K, Wang J,Li A,Zhao W,Wang D,Zhang W,Yan J,Gao GF,Liu W,Fang M#.J Immunol.2016; 196(4):1842-54.

23. Natural Killer Cells are involved in Thymic Atrophy induced by InfluenzaA Virus Infection. Duan X, Lu J, Zhou K, Wang J, Wu J, Gao GF,Fang M#.J Gen Virol.2015, 96:3223–3235

24.CD4+T Cell Help Is Dispensable for Protective CD8+T Cell Memory against Mousepox Virus following Vaccinia Virus Immunization.Fang M#, Remakus S, Roscoe F, Ma X, Sigal LJ#. J Virol. 2015; 89(1):776-83.

25. Perforin-dependent CD4+T cell cytotoxicity contributes to control a murine poxvirus infection.Fang M,Siciliano N, Hersperger A, Roscoe F, Hu A, Ma X, Shamsedeen A, Eisenlohr L and Sigal L.PNAS. 2012; 109(25):9983-8.

26. CD94 is essential for NK cell-mediated resistance to a lethal viral disease.Fang M,Orr MT, Spee P, Egebjerg T, Lanier LL and Sigal LJ. Immunity. 2011; 34(4):579-89.

27.Age-dependent susceptibility to a viral disease due to decreased NK cell numbers and trafficking.Fang M,Roscoe F, Sigal LJ.J Exp Med. 2010; 207(11):2369-81.




2. 广谱抗病毒抗体发现和设计 (2022YFC2303403), 国家重点研发计划,2022.12-2025.11,子课题负责人



5. 流感等重要病毒与宿主动态互作的细胞分子机制(2015CB910503), 科技部973计划,2015.1-2019.12,课题负责人


1.医学病毒学原理, 2020, 化学工业出版社,第六章 抗病毒适应性免疫应答,P106-129.

2.Studying NK cell responses to Ectromelia virus infections in mice.Fang Mand Sigal L.Methods Mol Biol. 2010; 612:411-28.






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