







1997-09 至 2001-06, 信阳师范学院, 生物教育, 学士阶段学习;

2001-09 至 2004-07, 河南省罗山县楠杆高中, 教学;

2004-09 至 2007-06, 河南大学, 遗传学, 硕士阶段学习;

2007-09 至今, 河南大学, 生命科学学院, 教学;

2013-09 至 2018-06, 河南大学, 遗传学, 博士阶段学习。


  1. Comparative transcriptomics provides insights into the pathogenic immune response of brown leaf spots in weeping forsythia.Wangjun Yuan,Zhiyin He,Suping Zhang,Yanping Zheng, Xiaoqian Zhang, Sheqi He,Yanxia He*and Yong Li*.Tree Physiology,2023,43(9):1641-1652.

  2. Floral bud differentiation and mechanism underlying androdioecy ofOsmanthus fragrans. Yuanji Han#*,Yanxia He#, Shumin Yue, Bingao Guo, Qian Zhu , Huijun Zhang , Xiangzhan Hai and Fude Shang*.Ornamental Plant Research, 2023, 3:11.

  3. First Report of Stem Rot Caused byBotryosphaeria dothideaandPhomopsis velataonForsythia suspensain China.Yanxia He,Yuanyuan Ma,Zhiyin He, Sheqi He, Suping Zhang,Yong Li, and Wangjun Yuan*, Plant disease,2022,107:2247.

  4. Comparative transcriptome analyses identify genes involved into the biosynthesis of forsythin and forsythoside a in forsythia suspensa.WangjunYuan,SupingZhang,ZhiyingHe,YanxiaHe,SheqiHe,Lijun Liu,andLiqin*.Functional & integrative genomics.2022,22(5), 731-741.

  5. The complete chloroplast genome ofVerbascum chinense(L.) Santapau.Yanxia He, Yuanyuan Ma, Zhengying Li, Peng Liu, Wangjun Yuan*. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources, 2020, 5(3): 3039-3040.

  6. Genome sequencing and population genomics modeling provide insights into the local adaptation of weeping forsythia. Linfeng Li, Samuel A Cushman,Yanxia He, Yong Li*. Horticulture Research, 2020, 7(1): 0-130.

  7. The first genetic map in sweet osmanthus (Osmanthus fragranslour.) using specific locus amplified fragment sequencing.Yanxia He, Wangjun Yuan, Meifang Dong, Fude Shang*.Frontiers in Plant Science,2017,8:1621.

  8. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of chinese fringetree (Chionanthus retusus).Yanxia He, Luxian Liu, Shuhan Yang, Wangjun Yuan, Meifang Dong, Fude Shang*.Conservation Genetics Resources,2017,9(3):1877-7252.

  9. 连翘叶褐斑病生防细菌的筛选与鉴定.张永芝,袁王俊,刘鹏,张维瑞,马园园,何艳霞*.中药材,2022, 45(11): 2550-2555.

  10. 基于多元智能理论的细胞生物学实验教学评价.何艳霞,李政颖,刘佳慧,董美芳.生命的化学,2020,40(6):965-968.




    2.河南省科技发展计划(232102111113):褪绿病毒使连翘致病的分子机制解析及无毒苗木快繁体系建立,2023.01-2024.12,10万元,在研, 主持;




    专利:一种连翘茎腐病病原菌FS13及其应用(ZL20211198083.6 );何艳霞、张永芝、张维瑞、袁王俊、马园园、刘鹏、李永;专利号:授权日期:2023.07.04






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